88x31 button

shameless self-promotion
4.4 kb

shameless self-promotion
2.3 kb

32x32 icon

5    the horrors
1kb     1kb

the horrors    5 = infinity
2kb      2kb

88x66 button

shameless self-promotion
6.8 kb

120x60 button

shameless self-promotion
3 kb

liven up your pathetic excuse for a website with a link to my totally sweet website.

simply save one of my totally sweet banners, add it on the most prominent part of your site, and then link it up to fivecomix.

then, call all of your friends and show them how totally sweet i am by having them visit your website, and then jumping over to mine.

total sweetness is guaranteed.

468x60 banner

shameless self-promotion
11.6  kb

shameless self-promotion
9.8   kb